Terms & Conditions
This website and the information contained in it does not form part of any contract, and while reasonable effort has been made to ensure accuracy, this cannot be guaranteed and no representation or warranty is made in that regard. Apartment designs and layouts are indicative only and may change.
The specification of the apartments is the anticipated specification as at the date this brochure was prepared, but may be subject to change in accordance with permitted variances under the apartment sale contracts. Dimensions shown in any text or plan are approximate sizes only and actual sizes may be different once constructed (although it is not anticipated that any apartments will be reduced by more than 5% in size). Computer generated images and photo’s are indicative only. All sales remain subject to contract. All information regarding prospective commercial or retail tenants represents current intention only, and the final identity of the tenants may change. Furniture shown in Computer Generated Images and photo’s is not included in sales. The agents nor any person in their employ has any authority to make or give any representation warranty or guarantee (whether written or oral) in respect of or in relation to the developments (or any parts there of).